Catalogue Item Procurement


The Catalogue Item Procurement function is used to manage procurements and to plan purchases based on requirements by location.



  • Catalogue Management
  • Define Sites





Manage procurement for a catalogue item

  1. Enter the required information in the Main Fields tab:

Fields followed by the * character are mandatory fields.




Item Code

Item code from Catalogue Management.

NOTE: The magnifying glass lets you select a procurement that has already been created.

Site Code*

Used to enter a default site for the item.

NOTE: This field is used to select a site using the Define Sitesoption.


Where the item can be found on the site.

Minimum Threshold

Minimum threshold for this item in inventory.

Maximum Threshold

Maximum threshold for this item in inventory.

Economic Order Qty

Minimum quantity to obtain a volume discount.

Daily Consumption

Quantity used per day.

Delivery Days

Number of days required for delivery.

  1. Click Save.


See also

  • Purchase Planning (MRP 1)
  • How to Reading Locations for inventory items


Last modification: September 20, 2024